Fablewoods Visual Slice
🚧WIP 🚧
This page is a live devlog for the Visuals Slice
Check out the previous devlogs
Expanding The town
Lots of art content to make and I'm excited to get into it, starting to feel like a game.
Improving the town
3 NPCs
Starting area
The first place you wake up, spawn. Needs to be nice and crispy with some small cinematic.
Finish out the tile set I started with a few randomized interiors for variety.
New monsters
Looking to rework some of the mob animation tree as well, get some skeleton modifiers in for look at controls.
I want at least 3 unique mobs with different state controllers for AI and larger boss type.
- Beefy Melee
- Agile Ranged
- Explosive Runner
- Boss with combat stages
UI Pass
Reskinning the current stub UI as well as some UX for how things are intereracting.
Minor audio pass
I have hooks for playing audio on events, but nothing is hooked up. This will be a very light pass to add in feedback for actions and combat first.
Start screen

Save/Load stress testing
I had a basic save system in place but decided to do a rework. It's buggy, but they are easy fixes. Most were introduced/discovered when handling scene transitions and keeping around previous scene data. Still feels good to have it saved out pushes on the progression side.